Courageous Leadership Perspectives
Jen Mauldin leadership coaching provides leaders of organizations with insight, advice, and the courage building tools they need to lead passionate, highly-effective teams. With over 20 years of education management experience, Jen has coached leaders of both large and small businesses and both for-profit and non-profit organizations.
Jen has worked with leaders in Central Texas area and in the United States. Jen has helped people discover what is important to them in their careers and developed the One Level ↑Up program to help individuals move forward in their careers.
Through individual coaching Jen helps tackle your leadership goals either in face to face meetings or virtually. Jen Mauldin’s coaching style is honest, intuitive and insightful. Throughout the coaching experience, clients may receive a complete assessment of their Core Values, Strength Finders, DISC assessments and the EQi – Emotional Intelligence Assessments to determine who they are and how they lead. Jen helps individuals become a more courageous, confident and successful leader in their organization.
One Level ↑Up Program
The One Level ↑Up Program is designed to help individuals either move One Level ↑Up in the current position they hold in terms of skill building or move to the next level up in the trajectory of their career. The One Level ↑Up program uses a four-level process which creates clarity of outcomes and drives results:
Level 1 Scaffolding Interview and Desired Outcome Discussion
Level 2 Assessments and Leadership Development Priorities
Level 3 Coaching Sessions
Level 4 Outcomes Discussion and Key Integration Practice
Individual Coaching and Group Workshops
Jen Mauldin is a certified facilitator for Dr. Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly™, Rising Strong™ and Dare to Lead™ programs. The content of each of these programs can be presented in individual coaching sessions, small group workshops or large group presentations.